Syntropy versus Entropy


Syntropy versus Entropy


Some type of Syntropy must exist, or all of that subsequent entropy would not have been possible. My contribution to Science is to give it a name. I chose to call it Syntropy; and then, I chose to define it, explain what it is, and explain where it has been hiding all this time.

Physical matter seems to be an accumulation of entropy. Physical was designed to accumulate entropy. Entropy only exists within physical matter. Everything else is Syntropy. Psyche is Syntropy. Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is Syntropy. Spirit Matter is Syntropy. Quantum Mechanics or Supernatural Mechanisms are Syntropy. The different Forces and Fields are Syntropy. Quantum Waves are Syntropy. Gravity and Magnetism are Syntropy. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are Syntropy. Syntropy is eternal and everlasting. Syntropy means “without a beginning of days or an end of years”. Syntropy has always existed and will always exist. Action at a Distance is Syntropy. Love is Syntropy. Syntropy is the opposite of entropy, which is disorder, corruption, disease, death, and extinction. Entropy is only found in physical matter. Physical matter had a beginning, and it can theoretically have an end.

You will never learn anything about Syntropy or Psyche from the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, and Atheists because the verified and proven existence of Syntropy or Quantum Mechanics falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.

Even though Albert Einstein was an Einstein, he got some things wrong. He fought against Syntropy, Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, and Spooky Action at a Distance until the very end of his life. His theory of relativity is the very pinnacle of classical physics, but its limitations are overcome by Quantum Tunneling or Teleportation. The theory of relativity ONLY applies to physical matter or entropy. Physical limitations are restricted to physical matter. Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. True. In contrast, the Quantum Realm or Spirit World is based upon Syntropy, Psyche, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Mechanisms or Supernatural Mechanisms. These scientific truths have been experienced and observed on both sides of the veil.

One of my greatest scientific discoveries is Syntropy.

Everything is Syntropy except for physical matter!

Physical matter is based upon entropy.

There’s NO entropy or death in the Syntropy Realm, Quantum Realm, or Spirit World. Everything there is eternal and everlasting. Syntropy means eternal and everlasting – without a beginning of days or an end of years.

Why is there physical matter, entropy, or death since it is obvious that Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy are vastly superior?

Why would anyone want a body?

Only with a spirit body or a physical body are we psyches able to feel and experience pleasure and pain.

Why would anyone want the pain?

Physical matter or entropy forces us to learn because it hurts. Thanks to entropy or death, there’s a time-limit placed upon us for this learning. Entropy is a function of time and results from the passage of time. It has been observed that deadlines motivate people to act now rather than procrastinating everything to another time or era.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “No pain then no gain”? It has been observed that pain is our greatest teacher. Pain, particularly physical pain, motivates us to learn. We psyches learn most and learn fastest while in a physical realm or an entropy realm. The lessons are real because they hurt. We actually have to work in order to overcome the entropy that surrounds us. While in an entropy realm or physical realm, in order to bring some measure of Syntropy or Love into our lives, we actually have to choose it and work at it.

Near-Death Experiencers (NDErs) while standing in the presence of God or the angels have asked them what the purpose of mortal life is.

The most common answer is that they are meant to learn how to bring Love or Syntropy into their lives and into the lives of others by learning how to love others while at the same time being surrounded by death, pain, disease, and entropy. It’s all about Syntropy or Love – learning how to choose the Syntropy and the Love over the entropy, pain, misery, and death.

The second-most common answer that I have encountered from NDErs is that this mortal life or physical life is a school-ground where we can learn by experience to tell the difference between the bitter and the sweet. Pain, entropy, corruption, and death force us to learn by motivating us to learn. It places a deadline on that learning. Physical matter or entropy forces us to learn because it hurts and because it can be fatal.

Doctrine and Covenants 29: 39:

39 And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet.

It’s not a comfortable situation, but it is the truth. We learn best and learn fastest by being given choices that actually have serious consequences. Both a spirit body and a physical body provide serious consequences for our choices.

Spirit bodies can feel pain and can be damaged; but, they are easily healed. Not so with a physical body. When it comes to a physical body and entropy, the damage can actually be permanent for the duration of a person’s mortal life. That ups the stakes greatly, does it not? While in a physical body, we are forced to pay attention or risk injury and death. The cause and effect nature of a physical realm means that there are real consequences for our actions and our choices. We don’t always get a do-over in a physical realm. Many things are permanent.

Doctrine and Covenants 29: 43-45:

43 And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation — that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;

44 And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not;

45 For they love darkness rather than light, and their deeds are evil, and they receive their wages of whom they list to obey.

It’s a test. It’s a school-ground. It’s a test for us to see what we will choose to do when we are left on our own to make our own choices and decisions; and, there are consequences for our choices.

According to the polls that I have seen, the vast majority of scientists have chosen to believe that only physical matter or entropy exists. These people are Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Atheists. They have put into place censors or a peer-review system to ENFORCE their beliefs onto others. They place mind-guards into our public school systems to prevent people from learning anything about Syntropy. Nowhere in Science is the pressure to conform or the groupthink the strongest than when it comes to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives. These people have set up our school systems so that they are now free to force their religion or their beliefs onto the public; and, they do. They put mind-guards or censors into place to prevent people from learning anything that might falsify the Theory of Evolution.

Remember, mind-guarding is a phenomenon that feeds groupthink when some members protect the group from information that would call into question the truthfulness of the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism. These religions or philosophies are based upon a refusal to look at evidence – any evidence that falsifies them. The information that I’m giving you here is precisely the information that these people censor, ban, block, and destroy.

If you pay attention and observe carefully, you will notice that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists have to use intimidation, peer-review, threats of unemployment, censorship, and ridicule in order to force their beliefs onto the rest of us because these people can’t make their case or meet their burden of proof on the merits alone. There is no evidence and will never be any evidence supporting their claims that Syntropy, Psyche, Non-Locality, Action at a Distance, Quantum Mechanics, and the Non-Physical do NOT exist. ALL of the observational evidence, experiential evidence, empirical evidence, eye-witness evidence, and scientific evidence PROVES that they are wrong. The verified and proven existence of Quantum Mechanics or Supernatural Mechanics falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.

For these people, Syntropy, Quantum Non-Locality, Eternal Life, Immortality, Love, Free Will, Agency, Resurrection, Atonement, Forgiveness, Psyche, God, and Life are the enemy. These people fight these things religiously with a passion. When it comes to the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists, the groupthink or the dark side of the force is strong with these people. The Nazis or Fascists were enforcing Darwinism within their society – survival of the fittest. Militant Atheism is the force behind Communism, and these people will kill you if you refuse to do what they say and refuse to believe what they want you to believe. Communism is enforced atheism. Belief in Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives is based exclusively on blind faith, and it is also based upon intimidation, ridicule, and force.

Richard Dawkins wrote something to this effect online:

I suspect that most of our regular readers here would agree that ridicule, of a humorous nature, is likely to be more effective than the sort of snuggling-up and head-patting that Jerry is attacking. I lately started to think that we need to go further: go beyond humorous ridicule, sharpen our barbs to a point where they really hurt.

Michael Shermer, Michael Ruse, Eugenie Scott, and others are probably right that contemptuous ridicule is not an expedient way to change the minds of those who are deeply religious. But I think we should probably abandon the irremediably religious precisely because that is what they are — irremediable. I am more interested in the fence-sitters who haven’t really considered the question very long or very carefully. And I think that they are likely to be swayed by a display of naked contempt. Nobody likes to be laughed at. Nobody wants to be the butt of contempt.

You might say that two can play at that game. Suppose the religious start treating us with naked contempt, how would we like it? I think the answer is that there is a real asymmetry here. We have so much more to be contemptuous about! And we are so much better at it. We have scathingly witty spokesmen of the caliber of Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. Who have the faith-heads got, by comparison? Ann Coulter is about as good as it gets. We can’t lose!

If you can bear to listen to him, take, as an example of a typical faith-head trying to be contemptuous, David Bentley Hart, whose radio interview happened to be posted here at the same time as Jerry’s article.

Listen to the stumbling, droning inarticulacy, the abysmal lack of anything approaching wit or intelligence. Imagine this yammering fumblewit coming up against Christopher Hitchens, or Dan Dennett, or PZ Myers — doesn’t it make your mouth water?

Maybe I’m wrong. I’m only thinking aloud, among friends. Is it gloves off time? Or should we continue to go along with the appeasers and be all nice and cuddly, like Eugenie and the National Academy?

End of Quotes from Richard Dawkins. [Note: the original is no longer available on the Richard Dawkins Foundation, so this had to be pieced together from different articles online that had quoted Dawkins when he first wrote his comments and proposed his Master Plan of Contempt.]

Notice that it’s a plan to intimidate, trick, and deceive the ignorant and the uneducated – the fence-sitters. He wants to go after the vulnerable – those who are most likely to be deceived. It’s a program of intimidation and brainwashing that is every bit as nefarious and evil as the one that they accuse the faith-heads of perpetrating. He’s definitely chosen the low road to success and is proud of it. Can you sense his bitterness? He hates religion and God.

These people have formally rejected Syntropy or Love. I KNOW because I used to be one of them. Have you even heard of Syntropy – the opposite of entropy? Most likely you haven’t because these people have blocked, banned, censored, and suppressed all knowledge regarding Syntropy. In fact, these people will tell you that Psyche or Syntropy does not exist. That’s what they truly believe. That’s what I used to believe. I spent some time ridiculing and mocking. Unlike these people, though, I considered myself to be an open-minded scientist; and, I was willing to look at opposing evidence. I was willing to allow all of the evidence into evidence; and, I pursued a preponderance of the evidence. It was the scientific evidence – the observational evidence – that convinced me that My Materialism, My Naturalism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism are false. I want evidence – lots and lots of evidence. I cannot live on blind faith alone.

Richard Dawkins also stated:

Mock them! Ridicule them! In public! Don’t fall for the convention that we’re all too polite to talk about religion. Religion is not off the table. Religion is not off limits. Religion makes specific claims about the universe which need to be substantiated and need to be challenged and, if necessary, need to be ridiculed with contempt.

Why is all of this ridicule and mocking necessary? It’s because these people can’t make their case on the merits alone. ALL of the evidence that we have on hand as a race falsifies their chosen beliefs. Mocking and ridicule is the only thing they have left in their arsenal because the evidence certainly isn’t on their side. These people hold you in contempt and they despise you. They’re not interested in Syntropy, Forgiveness, or Love. They have NO desire to uplift and enlighten. They are trying to trick you and deceive you while pretending that they are the ones who have been wronged. They are trying to drag you down to their level. The Christians would say that these people are trying to drag you down to hell.

I learn best through comparison and contrast.

Entropy is based upon force. You have to work and steal and kill in order to overcome it, rise above it, and dominate it. Even then, death or entropy is going to get you in the end. Entropy is the no-win scenario. It’s only benefit is that it forces us to learn. Our physical bodies hurt, and the pain motivates us to learn. Pain is our greatest teacher. It forces our psyches to learn and grow. Otherwise, we would be passive.

Syntropy is based upon forgiveness and love. The Atonement of Christ is the pinnacle of Syntropy. There’s something very unique about Syntropy or Love – the more you give away, the more you seem to have. That’s the exact opposite of entropy. Entropy is death. Syntropy is life. Entropy is. However, Syntropy, Forgiveness, Friendship, and Love have to be chosen into existence by Someone Psyche or they will never exist in the first place.

Jesus Christ is the being of light and love whom people encounter during their Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). How did he get all of that light and love? Syntropy! Jesus Christ received all of that light and love by giving it away to us. Sacrifice and forgiveness are the very pinnacle of Love or Syntropy. Syntropy is something vastly different than entropy. Isn’t that fascinating to think about? The more you give it away, the more you have when you are done.

John 10: 10:

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Within this simple verse, Jesus Christ summarizes our modern-day scientific discoveries.

The thief is entropy. Entropy steals, kills, and destroys. Jesus Christ came to give us Syntropy. Jesus Christ came to introduce some love, mercy, kindness, grace, glory, forgiveness, redemption, action at a distance, quantum mechanics, supernatural mechanisms, health, and sanity into our lives.

We KNOW that some type of Syntropy must exist, or all of that subsequent entropy would not have been possible. This is logical common-sense. In contrast, the message of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism is that Syntropy, Psyche, Spirit Matter, Quantum Non-Locality, and Supernatural Mechanics do not exist.

They both can’t be true, because they are mutually exclusive. If one is proven to exist, then the other one has been proven false. The verified and proven existence Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism.

Syntropy is one of my most significant and useful scientific discoveries. Syntropy puts a dose of reality into our lives.

The discovery of Syntropy has powerful ramifications when it comes to Science as well as our favorite science fiction.

I enjoy X-Men and Mutant X as much as the next guy; but, the “science” behind super-powered mutants is fatally flawed. There will NEVER be any mutants with super powers or quantum abilities because super powers or quantum abilities do not and cannot derive from our genes. Our genes are based upon entropy. There’s nothing within our genes to gift us or endow us with Syntropy, Action at a Distance, Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Abilities, or Super Powers.

Genes can only be used to produce mechanical abilities or physical abilities, not quantum abilities or super powers or supernatural abilities. Super Powers are a quantum phenomenon, or spiritual phenomenon, or psyche phenomenon. They don’t have anything to do with physical matter and genes.

There’s only two known ways for physical beings to get access to Super Powers or Quantum Abilities, and that’s God and Satan. God is notoriously stingy when it comes to giving fallen mortal beings Super Powers; and, Satan will betray you and destroy you in the end. We are meant to do without Super Powers for the duration of our mortal lives. They seem to get restored to us, though, when we die and return to the Spirit World or the Quantum Realm.

Physical matter, including our genes, was deliberately and purposefully designed by God to greatly limit and restrict the natural and innate quantum abilities or supernatural abilities which are an inherent part of our spirit body and psyche. Giving us super powers or quantum abilities would break this physical school-ground which God designed for us to teach us how to become more like Him – humble and teachable.

The purpose of this physical school-ground is to motivate us to learn how to bring Syntropy or Love or God into our lives while at the same time being trapped within and surrounded by entropy, corruption, disease, disorder, death, and extinction.

Mark My Words

Proof of Heaven


I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. My discovery of the Syntropy Realm or Spirit Realm represents a major paradigm shift for me.

I’m not going to apologize for finding the truth. It’s what we scientists are supposed to do, is it not?

One of the most interesting near-death experiences that I have read is “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” by Eben Alexander.

Of this experience, Raymond A. Moody wrote, “Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon. He is living proof of an afterlife.”

Eben Alexander wrote this about his near-death experience:

“Om told me that there is not one universe but many – in fact, more than I could conceive – but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth – no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.

I saw the abundance of life throughout the countless universes, including some whose intelligence was advanced far beyond that of humanity. I saw that there are countless higher dimensions, but that the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly. They cannot be known and understood, from lower dimensional space. Cause and effect exist in these higher realms, but outside our earthly conception of them. The world of time and space in which we move in this terrestrial realm is tightly and intricately meshed within these higher worlds. In other words, these worlds aren’t totally apart from us because all worlds are part of the same overarching divine Reality. From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world.

It will take the rest of my life, and then some, to unpack what I learned up there. The knowledge given me was not ‘taught’ in the way that a history lesson or math theorem would be. Insights happened directly, rather than needing to be coaxed and absorbed. Knowledge was stored without memorization, instantly and for good. It didn’t fade, like ordinary information does, and to this day I still possess all of it, much more clearly than I possess the information that I gained over all my years in school.

That’s not to say that I can get to this knowledge just like that. Because now that I’m back here in the earthly realm, I have to process it through my limited physical body and brain. But it’s there. I feel it, laid into my very being. For a person like me who had spent his whole life working hard to accumulate knowledge and understanding the old-fashioned way, the discovery of this more advanced level of learning was, alone, enough to give me food for thought for ages to come.” (Pages 48 and 49.)

“My awareness was larger now. So large, it seemed to take in the entire universe.”

“I was a citizen of a universe staggering in its vastness and complexity and ruled entirely by love.” (Page 95.)

“At the heart of the enigma of quantum mechanics lies the falsehood of our notion of locality in space and time. The rest of the universe – that is, the vast majority of it – isn’t actually distant from us in space. Yes, the physical space seems real, but it is limited as well. The entire length and height of the physical universe is as nothing to the spiritual realm from which it has risen – the realm of consciousness (which some might refer to as the ‘life force’).

This other, vastly grander universe isn’t ‘far away’ at all. In fact, it’s right here – right here where I am, typing this sentence, and right there where you are, reading it. It’s not far away physically, but simply exists on a different frequency. It’s right here, right now, but we’re unaware of it because we are for the most part closed to those frequencies on which it manifests. We live in the dimensions of familiar space and time, hemmed in by the peculiar limitations of our sensory organs and by our perceptual scaling within the spectrum from subatomic quantum up through the entire universe. Those dimensions, while they have many things going for them, also shut us out from the other dimensions that exist as well.

The ancient Greeks discovered all of this long ago, and I was only discovering for myself what they’d already hit upon: Like understands like. The universe is so constructed that to truly understand any part of its many dimensions and levels, you have to become a part of that dimension. Or, stated a little more accurately, you have to open yourself to an identity with that part of the universe that you already possess, but which you may not have been conscious of.

The universe has no beginning or end, and God is entirely present within every particle of it. Much – in fact most – of what people have had to say about God and the higher spiritual worlds has involved bringing them down to our level, rather than elevating our perceptions up to theirs. We taint, with our insufficient descriptions, their truly awesome nature.

But though it never began and will never end, the universe does have punctuation marks, the purpose of which is to bring beings into existence and allow them to participate in the glory of God. The Big Bang that created our universe was one of these creative ‘punctuation marks’. Om’s view was from outside, encompassing all of Om’s Creation and beyond my even higher-dimensional field of view. Here, to see was to know. There was no distinction between experiencing something and my understanding it.

‘I was blind, but now I see,’ now took on a new meaning as I understood just how blind to the full nature of the spiritual universe we are on earth – especially people like I had been, who had believed that matter was the core reality, and that all else – thought, consciousness, ideas, emotions, spirit – were simply productions of it.

This revelation inspired me greatly, because it allowed me to see the staggering heights of communion and understanding that lie ahead for us all when each of us leaves the limitations of our physical body and brain behind.

Humor. Irony. Pathos. I had always thought these were qualities we humans developed to cope with this so often painful and unfair world. And they are. But in addition to being consolations, these qualities are recognitions – brief, flashing, but all-important – of the fact that whatever our struggles and suffering in the present world are, they can’t truly touch the larger, eternal beings we in truth are. Laughter and irony are at heart reminders that we are not prisoners in this world, but voyagers through it.” (Pages 156 and 157.)

Eben Alexander from the book, “Proof of Heaven”.

This is Science because it is based upon observation and experience. Science is observation and experience, or it should be. To me personally, his words also became scripture.

Eben Alexander’s experiences and observations are in complete harmony with everything that I have encountered and learned from other NDErs and OBErs. It’s in harmony with the Science associated with Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, Psyche, Quantum Non-Local Consciousness, Spirit Matter, and Syntropy. It’s also in complete harmony with the Scriptures that the Biblical God Jesus Christ had a hand in writing and producing – namely, the Bible, the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Truth harmonizes with and is consistent with all other truths.

God is the Father of Lights.

Spirit matter is the same thing as physical matter, except that they exist at different frequencies or in different dimensions. Psyche, Spirit Matter, and Physical Matter can exist in the same space at the same time because they are out-of-phase with each other meaning that they reside at different frequencies in different dimensions of the same space. Eben Alexander observed this reality and truth.

The difference between spirit matter and physical matter is that physical matter is based upon entropy whereas everything else is based upon Syntropy or Love. The Love or the Syntropy is dominant. However, evil, entropy, pain, physical matter, disease, and death are necessary because without them learning and free will are impossible, and without free will there could be no growth – no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longs for us to be.

Eben Alexander is talking about the Syntropy Realm, the Quantum Realm, Higher Dimensions, Higher Frequencies, the Primal Construct, the Spiritual Realm, the Realm of Psyche, the Realm of Consciousness, the Realm of the Life Force, and the Realm of Light and Love.

His words are very liberating, compared with the groupthink or dogma that the mind-guards behind Naturalism and Darwinism want to force upon us and make us believe.

Remember, the mind-guards behind Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism have to use intimidation, mocking, ridicule, contempt, deception, and force in order to make their case and spread their beliefs because there will NEVER be any evidence to support their claim that the Non-Local, the Spiritual, the Quantum, or the Supernatural does not exist. In fact, the verified and proven existence of Quantum Mechanics or Action at a Distance falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives such as the Theory of Evolution.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists will NEVER be able to make their case or meet their burden of proof based upon the merits alone because there is no evidence and will never be any evidence to support their claims that Syntropy, Psyche, Spirit Matter, Quantum Mechanics, and Action at a Distance do not exist. Therefore, these people have to resort to intimidation, mocking, ridicule, contempt, censorship, and force in order to make the rest of us believe that they are right.

Hopefully by learning to tell the difference between Syntropy and Entropy, you will also learn to discern which group is telling us the truth and which group is trying to trick us and deceive us. I wish you well.

Mark My Words



Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Alexander, E. (2012). Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Psyche Is the Best Explanation


Psyche or Syntropy Is the Best Explanation


Ask yourself how we detect Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness. How do we catch Psyche in the act? By definition, in principle or practice, Psyche or Intelligence is non-physical which means that it can’t be detected nor recorded by our physical instruments. So, how do we know that it exists?

When it comes to the various different invisible and non-physical forces and fields like Psyche, we KNOW that they exist by the effects that they have on physical matter. We KNOW that gravity, wind, magnetism, dark matter or spirit matter, quantum waves, the strong and weak nuclear forces, light, the zero-point field, and dark energy exist by the effects that they have on physical matter. That’s just one of the ways that we KNOW that Psyche exists.

As I studied and thought about this subject, I discovered that there are many different ways through which we come to KNOW that the Psyche, Spirit, Self, or Soul does in fact exist.

One of the most obvious Signs of Psyche is CHOICE! It all comes down to choice. Whenever you encounter some kind of choice being made, you have in fact caught some kind of Psyche in the act. Physical matter doesn’t have any choice. Physical matter does whatever the different forces and fields make it do. The physical matter does whatever the Human Psyche makes it do.

I have dozens of different things that I could eat for breakfast tomorrow; and, there is absolutely no way for anyone to predict in advance which one I will choose. I don’t even know in advance which one I will choose. If you were to make a prediction based upon my reinforcement history that I’m going to eat oatmeal tomorrow – knowing about your prediction I could and probably would go out of my way to make sure that I eat something else just so that I can falsify your theories about Determinism, Behaviorism, and Reinforcement Histories.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism don’t have any explanatory power when it comes to Psyche, Syntropy, Non-Locality, Non-Physicality, Action at a Distance, Quantum Waves, Choice, and Quantum Mechanics. Materialism, Naturalism, and Classical Physics are based upon physical matter, nature, disorder, chaos, entropy, randomness, chance, and luck. Quantum Mechanics is supernatural in nature and origin. Quantum Mechanics is based upon Syntropy, Psyche, Intelligence, Forces, Fields, Order, and Organization. There’s a HUGE difference between the two – an obvious difference for anyone who is willing to look, think, and see.

Quantum waves are supernatural and sub-atomic. Thoughts and memories are quantum waves. We KNOW this is true because our thoughts, memories, and personality survive the death of our physical brain according to the empirical evidence or scientific evidence from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), and our after-death Life Reviews. If a thought or memory survives the death of your physical brain, then it’s truly a memory in every sense of the word, is it not?

Psyche is Syntropy. Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy. The different invisible and non-physical Forces and Fields are Syntropy. Spirit Matter is Syntropy. It’s just a different type of Quantum Wave. Syntropy is without a beginning of days or an end of years. Syntropy is eternal and everlasting. Syntropy has always existed and it will always exit.

While studying psychology, I spent a lot of my effort looking for and documenting Signs of Psyche – psychology is supposed to be the study of the Human Psyche after all. That’s what the word originally meant. I’m looking for Signs of Psyche. These are situations, phenomena, and scientific evidence where Psyche, Syntropy, Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Non-Local Consciousness provide the best explanation or have the most explanatory power. Science is all about explanatory power, or it should be.

The BioPsychoSocial Model was the first official model that I found that is based upon all three of the different aspects of Science which have been experienced and observed – namely: biology and genetics and physical development (BIO), society and culture and environment (SOCIAL), and Psyche, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, Quantum Waves, Choice, and Quantum Mechanics (PSYCHO).

The BioPsychoSocial Model has massive explanatory power and is powerfully efficacious, as long as we don’t let the Materialists and Naturalists destroy it by restricting it exclusively to physical matter, determinism, and the physical sciences.

While studying Neuroscience and Biopsychology, Signs of Psyche were hard to find because my college teachers and the assigned textbooks deny the existence of Psyche and ignore the existence of Quantum Mechanics. For the most part, the focus is exclusively on physical matter; therefore, the other parts of the BioPsychoSocial Model and Quantum Mechanics are completely ignored by these people. I had to work at it, in order to include Psyche into this material.

I did see Signs of Psyche within my Abnormal Psychology course because the authors of that textbook based their theories and ideas upon what they called an Integrative Approach, which was in fact the BioPsychoSocial Model. As a result of their choice, their college textbook had a ton of scientific explanatory power; and, I did see Signs of Psyche from time to time.

Obviously, there were Signs of Psyche in my Personality Theory or Personal Psychology course because some of the theoreticians actually define personality or the self as Psyche. The existentialists are one such group.

I was surprised to find the most compelling and convincing evidence for Psyche within my Social Psychology course. The author of that textbook wasn’t afraid of religion. In fact, he had observed many times during his research and science experiments that the religious folk as a whole are a lot happier and more psychologically sound than the Atheists or the non-believers. Believing in God is good for one’s psychological health and physical health. It’s also good for one’s social health or social relationships. It’s been scientifically proven to be so.

At the beginning of his college textbook, the author of my Social Psychology textbook even stated up front that Social Psychology is based upon the BioPsychoSocial Model; and, he meant it. All throughout that book, I was seeing Signs of Psyche – instances where Psyche is the best explanation for the scientific evidence at hand.

It’s fun to try to identify the true cause behind everything that we encounter; but, that can only be done successfully if we choose to include Psyche into the mix. There are times when Psyche is the BEST explanation; and, in those particular instances, when Psyche is deliberately excluded as a possible explanation or a possible cause, then suddenly we have NO logical explanation for what we are seeing, observing, or experiencing.

Whenever Psyche is the Ultimate Cause of a phenomenon, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, Determinism, Behaviorism, Entropy, and Atheism have NO explanation for what we are witnessing and experiencing. However, Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Choice, and Syntropy certainly do.

While studying Psychology or the Human Psyche, there are many instances and phenomena where Psyche is in fact the best explanation and/or the best source for finding a cure to one’s mental illness. Whenever you encounter a mental illness that is caused by one’s Biology and/or one’s Society, then the ONLY treatment and cure available has to come from the Human Psyche or God’s Psyche. Addictions and substance-induced psychosis are precisely the types of mental illness that are caused by our Biology and our Society; and, the ONLY treatment and cure that is realistically possible comes from the Human Psyche and the Atonement of Christ, when the individual person or psyche finally chooses and decides to get sober and stay sober, and then asks God for help in doing so.

On my mother’s side, we are overly sensitive to drugs and medications; and, there are many alcoholics on that side of the family. My biology produces a diathesis, tendency, or vulnerability towards addiction of any kind. My medical doctors and psychiatrists got me addicted to half a dozen different brain-altering drugs. I experienced psychosis whenever they tried to get me off the drugs. I experienced a substance-induced psychosis during the six months of withdrawal. Substance-induced psychosis is a mental illness. It’s listed in the psychology books as such. My Biology and my Society gave me this mental illness. I felt like hell and wanted to die.

The only cure – the only thing that worked – was when I (my psyche) chose to stop taking the drugs and chose to suffer the consequences of that choice. I went cold-turkey, and I went insane; but, I stuck with it. I made a choice! My biology didn’t make that choice for me. My biology wanted me to keep taking the drugs. My society and psychiatrists and wife didn’t make that choice for me. The psychiatrists in particular wanted me to keep taking the drugs. That’s how they make their money. I made the choice – my psyche, spirit, or soul; and, I suffered six months of hellish withdrawal, weirdness, insanity, pain, insomnia, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, anxiety, fear, racing thoughts, detachment from reality, no sense of time, no sense of right and wrong, no desire to eat, apathy, magical thinking, and so forth. It was a magical place and it was hell all at the same time. That’s your brain on drugs.

Psyche is identified by the choices that it makes, especially when those choices run contrary to the choices which its biology and its society want it to make. My biology and my society wanted me to stay on the drugs. My Psyche chose to get off the drugs and stuck with that choice to the bitter end.

Like gravity and magnetism, Psyche is some type of invisible and non-physical force or field that can make physical matter do things which the physical matter can’t do or wouldn’t normally do by itself when left to itself.

My butt just sits here in the chair, until I (my psyche) decides to make it get up and go do something else. Right now, there’s NO pressure from society or my biology making me get out of this chair; so, if I get out of the chair, it’s because I have chosen to do so. Psyche is identified by the choices that it makes. One psyche is distinguished from another psyche by the different choices that they make. I’m different than you because I have made different choices than you have made. My biology didn’t make those choices for me; and, neither did my society. Yes, my society has forced me to do some things against my will at times and has forced some of their choices onto me; but, if I would have been left alone, I would have chosen differently, or I would have postponed making some of those choices.

Who you really are is determined by the choices that you make when you believe that nobody else is looking and believe that nobody is going to be checking up on you.

Mark My Words


Documenting Signs of Psyche or Syntropy


Love is Syntropy


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. Altruism is a motive to increase another’s welfare without conscious regard for one’s own self-interests. (Social Psychology, pp. 441-443.)

Love is Syntropy. The more you give away, the more you have. That’s Syntropy. Syntropy is the exact opposite of entropy. Altruism is a type of Syntropy.

So, who is giving this love away? It’s the Human Psyche and God’s Psyche! Both in the quantum realm and the physical realm, it’s the Psyche who is giving the love away.

So, who is receiving this love? Who is being cured by this love? It’s the Human Psyche and all of those other psyches. Sometimes the effects of this love spill over onto and into the physical body; but, it’s the transpersonal interaction or psyche-to-psyche interaction that’s producing this Syntropy that we call Love.

Even my dog and my cat love to be loved. There’s a person or a psyche in there, and it thrives on love.

As far as we know, the physical matter doesn’t care about love. It just does what it’s told to do by the Human Psyche, Nature’s Psyche, those Other Psyches, and God’s Psyche. Physical matter and spirit matter simply react, meaning that they do whatever some Psyche tells them to do. The physical matter follows or obeys the physical laws that God gave it.

The explanatory power of this science is through the roof. It explains everything if we let it.

This is Social Psychology at its very core.

The idea that Love is Syntropy, and that the more you give away the more you have, just might be the most important scientific discovery that we human beings can make. Can you think of anything more important to discover and learn?

I can’t.

Mark My Words



Redemption Is Syntropy


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Atonement or sympathy is a function of Syntropy and a product of the Human Psyche. It has nothing to do with our genes.

In one of these experiments, Batson and his associates had University of Kansas women observe a young woman suffering while she supposedly received electric shocks. During a pause in the experiment, the obviously upset victim explained to the experimenter that a childhood fall against an electric fence left her acutely sensitive to shocks. The experimenter suggested that perhaps the observer (the actual participant in this experiment) might trade places and take the remaining shocks for her.

Previously, half of these actual participants had been led to believe the suffering person was a kindred spirit on matters of values and interests (thus arousing their empathy). Some also were led to believe that their part in the experiment was completed, so that in any case they were done observing the woman’s suffering. Nevertheless, their empathy aroused, virtually all willingly offered to substitute for the victim. (Social Psychology, pp. 456-457.)

Jesus Christ is the being of light and love whom most people encounter during their Near-Death Experiences (NDEs.)

How was He able to garner or gather such a monumental amount of love?

He did it by giving away love and forgiveness. We love the things the most for whom we sacrifice the most. During the Atonement, Christ went to hell on behalf of each one of us. He took our beatings for us. He suffered the demands of Justice for us. That’s how He is able to have an infinite amount of love for us – He demonstrated and gave an infinite amount of forgiveness for each of us. He suffered the most for us. Forgiveness is the pinnacle of love; and, forgiveness involves some kind of sacrifice. That’s how Jesus Christ was able to become the being of infinite light and love whom we encounter during our Near-Death Experiences.

During different NDEs as discussed on YouTube, Jesus Christ actually came to hell and got various different sinners and atheists out of hell – just for the asking. That’s all it took. They simply had to ask Jesus to come and save them from hell, and He did. Remember, should you ever find yourself in hell, Jesus Christ can get you out of there just for the asking. He is able to do so because His forgiveness and mercy are infinite. This is Syntropy that we are talking about here.

Mosiah 26: 21-26:

21 And he that will hear my voice shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive.

22 For behold, this is my church; whosoever is baptized shall be baptized unto repentance. And whomsoever ye receive shall believe in my name; and him will I freely forgive.

23 For it is I that taketh upon me the sins of the world; for it is I that hath created them; and it is I that granteth unto him that believeth unto the end a place at my right hand.

24 For behold, in my name are they called; and if they know me they shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand.

25 And it shall come to pass that when the second trump shall sound then shall they that never knew me come forth and shall stand before me.

26 And then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, that I am their Redeemer; but they would not be redeemed.

27 And then I will confess unto them that I never knew them [and they never knew me]; and they shall depart into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Who are the people who go to hell, and why do they go to hell?

These are the people who refuse to be redeemed!

They refuse to ask Christ for His forgiveness and help. They refuse to ask Christ for His mercy and love. That’s it. They refuse to be redeemed. They don’t want to have anything to do with Christ, God, and their mercy, forgiveness, and love. These people have their pride that must be maintained. It’s a pride thing. They have yet to learn humility. They have yet to accept a helping hand.

Fascinating, is it not?

The practical applications of these truths are infinite because we are dealing with Syntropy here, and not entropy. Entropy is the enemy. Entropy is death and hell. In contrast, Syntropy is Love, Forgiveness, and Life. Jesus Christ has an infinite supply of Syntropy, Forgiveness, and Love for those who are willing to be redeemed; but, He can’t force us to accept His forgiveness and love. That’s something that only we, our Psyche, can do for ourselves or choose for ourselves.

Forgiveness and Love are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche; and, so are a willingness to receive Forgiveness and Love.

Mark My Words



Reward Theory


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

In Social Psychology, the Reward Theory is based upon physical matter and entropy. The idea is that the only reason we do anything good is because we are hoping for some type of reward. Reward Theory or Egoism is the opposite of Altruism, Love, and Syntropy.


We attribute their behavior to their inner dispositions only when we lack external explanations. When the external causes are obvious, we credit the causes, not the person.

There is, however, a weakness in reward theory. It easily degenerates into explaining-by-naming. If someone volunteers for the Big Sister tutor program, it is tempting to “explain” her compassionate action by the satisfaction it brings her. But such after-the-fact naming of rewards creates a circular explanation: “Why did she volunteer?” “Because of the inner rewards.” “How do you know there are inner rewards?” “Why else would she have volunteered?” Because of this circular reasoning, egoism — the idea that self-interest motivates all behavior — has fallen into disrepute.

To escape the circularity, we must define the rewards and the costs independently of the helping behavior. If social approval motivates helping, then in experiments we should find that when approval follows helping, helping increases. And it does.


So far, we have mostly considered the external rewards of helping. We also need to consider internal factors, such as the helper’s emotional state or personal traits. The benefits of helping include internal self-rewards.

(Social Psychology, p. 445.)

Notice that Reward Theory or Behaviorism is based upon circular reasoning, hindsight bias, labeling, and after-the-fact naming which are logic fallacies.

Materialism, Naturalism, Behaviorism, and Atheism are based upon a wide variety of logic fallacies.

Reward Theory or Behaviorism is also based upon entropy. Entropy is a dead-end. Entropy results in this circular reasoning and confirmation bias which this author is talking about. Entropy is used to describe, promote, and explain entropy.

In contrast, these internal rewards, internal emotional states, internal factors, and internal personality traits are based upon the Human Psyche; and, the Human Psyche is capable of Syntropy. Syntropy is infinite and eternal. There’s no entropic dead-end within Syntropy. Psyche or Syntropy is capable of choice. Internal dispositions are a product of the Human Psyche, and not our genes. The genes or physical matter don’t have inner dispositions. Genes aren’t seeking for internal self-rewards. The genes, entropy, and physical matter don’t care one way or the other what we choose to do.

Once again, an understanding of Psyche and Syntropy provides us with the best explanation for the scientific evidence that we are observing, witnessing, and experiencing.

Mark My Words


Genuine Altruism Does Exist


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Genuine altruism does exist.

Everyone agrees that some helpful acts are either obviously egoistic (done to gain external rewards or avoid punishment) or subtly egoistic (done to gain internal rewards or relieve inner distress). Is there a third type of helpfulness — a genuine altruism that aims simply to increase another’s welfare (producing happiness for oneself merely as a by-product)? Is empathy-based helping a source of such altruism? Cialdini and his colleagues Mark Schaller and Jim Fultz have doubted it. They note that no experiment rules out all possible egoistic explanations for helpfulness.

But other findings suggest that genuine altruism does exist: With their empathy aroused, people will help even when they believe no one will know about their helping. Their concern continues until someone has been helped. If their efforts to help are unsuccessful, they feel bad even if the failure is not their fault. (Social Psychology, p. 457.)

Remember, the Human Psyche is capable of Syntropy; and, Syntropy can override and overcome the effects of entropy. The “behavior” of raw physical matter is determined by the physical laws. It takes some type of Syntropy or Psyche to override the physical laws, meaning that it takes some type of Syntropy or Psyche or Love to overcome and override the effects of entropy.

This is science at its very most basic and fundamental foundation that we are talking about here. We are talking about a Psyche Ontology, wherein Psyche or Syntropy is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.

Genuine Altruism or Syntropy is only possible under the command and control of Someone Psyche. Genes and physical matter can’t do altruism because altruism requires some type of Choice or Syntropy. Once again, we observe that Psyche or Syntropy ends up providing us with the best scientific explanation for what’s really going on in the world and the universe around us. In order to have a complete science – in order to understand what’s really going on in this universe – we must understand Psyche or Syntropy and how it affects everything else.

When doing science, we have got to take the Human Psyche into consideration or learn to tolerate not having an explanation for most of the things that we encounter.


Mark My Words



Helping Is a Function of the Human Psyche


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

What circumstances prompt people to help, or not to help?

Ultimately “helping” is a function of the Human Psyche. We either choose to help or we choose not to help. It’s a choice; and, choice of any kind is the ultimate Sign of Psyche.

Why do some people help, and others don’t?

It’s because “helping” is a function of the Human Psyche which means that it is variable and unpredictable because it is based upon choice! Some days I choose to help and some days I don’t. Some days I choose to do my chores, but most days I don’t. Some days I choose to weed, and some days I don’t. Some days my wife chooses to go grocery shopping, but most days she doesn’t.

There’s no way on this earth to predict which day that my wife will choose to go grocery shopping. It’s different every week; and, there are some weeks when it never happens. The best I can do is to prepare a grocery list and have it ready and sitting there for the day when she finally chooses to go grocery shopping. My wife doesn’t want me shopping for groceries because I buy things that she doesn’t want me to have. She wants me totally at her mercy when it comes to the groceries, so that’s just the way it is. I’ve learned to accept it. Some things we can change, and some things we can’t.

When my wife has made up her mind, there’s basically nothing that I can do to change it. When my wife makes up her mind, the discussion is over. Sometimes I choose to comply and/or choose to assist; and sometimes, I choose to rebel and choose to do my own thing my own way. Either way, it’s a choice. It all comes down to choice! I rebel and do my own thing if I believe that my way is better, my way is faster, or my way will produce better results in the end. I have my own funds that I use when I choose to rebel and choose to do things my way; and, I’m also more satisfied with the results when I have chosen them into existence. That’s just the way it is. Choice makes it real and makes it valuable to us. When we aren’t given any choice, we sometimes choose to rebel. In Social Psychology it is called Reactance.

If sad people are sometimes extra helpful, how can it be that happy people are also helpful? Experiments reveal that several factors are at work. Helping softens a bad mood and sustains a good mood. (Perhaps you can recall feeling good after giving someone directions.) A positive mood is, in turn, conducive to positive thoughts and positive self-esteem, which predispose us to positive behavior. In a good mood — after being given a gift or while feeling the warm glow of success — people are more likely to have positive thoughts and associations with being helpful. Positive thinkers are likely to be positive actors. (Social Psychology, p. 448.)

Who are these “people” that these scientists are talking about?

They are Human Psyches.

This is psyche-over-matter or mind-over-matter that they are talking about here!

We continue to feel good or feel bad long after our physical brain is dead and gone according to the abundant empirical evidence or scientific evidence from Near-Death Experiences. Your genes and the physical matter within your physical body aren’t feeling the warm glow of success; but, your Psyche certainly is.

Moods are a function or a product of the Human Psyche. Your genes and hormones don’t have moods. Your genes and hormones can’t change your moods either. Genes don’t change their minds. The Human Psyche does. The genes don’t change; but, the Human Psyche does.

Choosing to help someone is a choice that is made by the Human Psyche. Your genes don’t make that choice for you. We KNOW because some days you (your Psyche) choose to help, and other days you choose not to help. There’s no way in the universe for anyone to predict which choice you will make because you can choose to help or choose not to help any day that you want to. You don’t even know which choice you are going to make until after you have made the choice.

Our actions or our chosen behaviors are chosen into existence by our Human Psyche or Human Intelligence on both sides of the veil.

Observe that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Physicalism, Classical Physics, Determinism, and Atheism have NO explanation for choice, chosen behavior, moods, forgiveness, altruism, and changing moods. These philosophies have NO explanatory power when it comes to Psyche, Syntropy, Feelings, Choices, and Moods. These people teach that everything is determined by physical matter and entropy. Psyche, Syntropy, and Choice are not a part of their vocabulary. The materialistic, naturalistic, and atheistic scientists have no idea that Syntropy and Choice even exists. These people have chosen to believe that Psyche, Syntropy, Choice, and Action at a Distance do not exist.

Once again, we see that Psyche and Syntropy provide the best explanation for the scientific evidence that we are observing and experiencing, especially when it comes to our chosen actions, chosen behaviors, and chosen moods. Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics can explain CHOICE. Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, Determinism, Behaviorism, and Atheism cannot.

Once again, we see that Psyche or Syntropy provides the best explanation for most of our scientific observations and most of the scientific evidence. The explanatory power of Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy is through the roof!

Fascinating, is it not?

Well, I think it is because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

Mark My Words



Interpretation Is a Function of Psyche


Interpretation is a function of the Human Psyche. Interpretation isn’t done for us by our genes, and our society doesn’t do it for us either.

This is another one of those smoking guns where Psyche is concerned.

Your environment (Nurture) isn’t deciding what the different events mean to you or are doing to you. Your Psyche is making that choice.

Your genes (Nature) definitely are not deciding what that pain in your side means. Your Psyche is making that decision. Your genetic inheritance doesn’t change; but, your interpretations of your surroundings and the science experiments certainly do.

People’s interpretations also affect their reactions. Interpretations matter. (Social Psychology, p. 463.)

The fact that we can actually choose to change our interpretation of a specific event is Proof of Psyche. The fact that we can actually choose to forgive is Proof of Psyche. Interpretation isn’t done by our genes, and our society doesn’t do it for us either.

This is very simple but very powerful science. Once again, when it comes to our interpretations, Psyche provides the BEST explanation for what is really going on.

Our genes, our environment, our society, our hormones, and our physical matter can’t explain our choices and our interpretations of evidence; but, our Psyche certainly can. The explanatory power of Psyche is through the roof. Psyche takes over whenever the other explanations have failed. By including Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics into the mix, we can literally explain everything that comes our way. There’s no part of science that remains unexplained.

Mark My Words




Whence Empathy?


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Where does empathy come from? Is empathy produced by our genes and hormones as the Darwinists and Evolutionists claim?

Empathy: The vicarious experience of another’s feelings; putting oneself in another’s shoes.

When we feel empathy, we focus not so much on our own distress as on the sufferer. Genuine sympathy and compassion motivate us to help others for their own sakes. When we value another’s welfare, perceive the person as in need, and take the person’s perspective, we feel empathic concern.

In humans, empathy comes naturally. Even day-old infants cry more when they hear another infant cry. In hospital nurseries, one baby’s crying sometimes evokes a chorus of crying. Most 18-month-old infants, after observing an unfamiliar adult accidentally drop a marker or clothespin and have trouble reaching it, will readily help. To some, this suggests that humans are hardwired for empathy. Primates and even mice also display empathy, indicating that the building blocks of altruism predate humanity.

Nevertheless, their empathy aroused, virtually all willingly offered to substitute for the victim. (Social Psychology, pp. 255-257.)

Can our genes sense another’s feelings? Can our genes put themselves in another’s shoes vicariously within their mind’s eye?

Most people, I believe, are in agreement that they cannot.

So, where is all of this empathy coming from since it can’t be coming from our genes? There are no molecules for empathy and mercy anywhere within this physical universe.

The evidence suggests that human beings are born with empathy. So, where did they get that empathy from since they couldn’t have gotten it from their genes?

The only logical answer is the Human Psyche. Psyche is Syntropy, which means that Psyche is without a beginning of day or an end of years. Psyche or Syntropy is eternal and everlasting. Empathy is Proof of Psyche. Empathy goes all the way back to the time before physical matter was made.

Empathy is a function of the Human Psyche. It’s not imposed upon us by our genes or biology. In fact, since evolution or entropy results in death, the influence of entropy, evolution, and our genes tend to make us selfish and not empathetic and altruistic. We can’t use our genes, physical matter, and entropy to explain empathy and altruism.

Empathy is chosen into existence by the Human Psyche, or it would never exist in the first place where this physical universe is concerned. According to the theory of evolution and survival of the fittest, empathy and altruism shouldn’t exist. Evolution, physical matter, and entropy feel no empathy and have no empathy. This truth is one of the hallmarks of the theory of evolution. So, the only place that empathy can be coming from is the Psyche or the Soul; and, the very existence of empathy falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution.

Once again, we observe that Psyche or Syntropy is the BEST explanation where scientific observations or scientific evidence is concerned.

Mark My Words



Social Norms


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Social Psychologists explain helping and altruism by the Social-Responsibility Norm and the Reciprocity Norm.

The Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists tell us that these Social Norms are programmed into us by our genes. Our genes made us do it. Our selfish genes made us do it. Our genes are selfish.

Are our genes really selfish? Do our genes really make us do things?

Reciprocity Norm: An expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them.

Social-Responsibility Norm: An expectation that people will help those needing help.

“If you love those who love you [the reciprocity norm], what right have you to claim any credit? . . . I say to you, love your enemies” (Matthew 5:46, 44).

With people who clearly are dependent and unable to reciprocate, such as children, the severely impoverished, and those with disabilities, another social norm motivates our helping. The social-responsibility norm is the belief that people should help those who need help, without regard to future exchanges. The norm motivates people to retrieve a dropped book for a person on crutches, for example.

In India, a relatively collectivist culture, people support the social-responsibility norm more strongly than in the individualist West. They voice an obligation to help even when the need is not life-threatening or the needy person — perhaps a stranger needing a bone marrow transplant — is outside their family circle.

Even when helpers in Western countries remain anonymous and have no expectation of any reward, they often help needy people. However, they usually apply the social-responsibility norm selectively to those whose need appears not to be due to their own negligence. (Social Psychology, pp. 449-450.)

Do you see signs of Psyche within any of this?

Who is keeping track of whether they have been helped or hurt by someone else? Is it our genes? Of course not!

Are your genes going to love your enemies? Of course not! Your genes don’t care one way or the other.

Are our genes feeling that societal expectation that we should help others who need help? Obviously not! Our genes don’t have feelings. Our genes could care less what our society expects from us.

Your genes aren’t going to choose to donate a kidney or bone marrow to someone outside their family circle. Your genes aren’t being conditioned or trained by your collectivist culture or individualist culture to care or to be selfish. The Human Psyche is.

Your genes aren’t selective about whom they want to help or ignore. Your genes don’t decide if the person’s suffering is due to their own neglect. The Human Psyche, your psyche, makes these observations and decisions.

Do you see how that works?

Isn’t it cool how the truth always floats to the top if you let it? Your genes remain the same; but, the Human Psyche changes its mind all the time. The explanatory power of Psyche or Syntropy is through the roof. It can explain everything!

Don’t you love it? You, the real you, your human psyche, don’t you just love it? You are the only one who knows! Your genes could care less what you have chosen to love and chosen to believe.

Notice how they always dance around psyche, but they never go all the way because they are Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists and have chosen to believe that Psyche does not exist. But, our genes can’t explain altruism, mercy, compassion, friendship, forgiveness, empathy, and love. Consequently, we have to look someplace else for a scientific explanation for these things. The only logical explanation is that Psyche or Syntropy really does exist.

Once again, Psyche or Syntropy ends up providing us with the best explanation where the social sciences are concerned. None of this can be explained by our genes; but, it definitely can be explained by the Human Psyche and all those other psyches.

Mark My Words



Comparing Theories of Altruism


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

How is altruism explained?

The Materialists, Darwinists, and Naturalists use our genes to explain it.

Are they right, or is there more going on here than meets the eye?

If individual self-interest inevitably wins in genetic competition, then why will we help strangers? Why will we help those whose limited resources or abilities preclude their reciprocating? And what causes soldiers to throw themselves on grenades?

One answer, initially favored by Darwin (then discounted by selfish-gene theorists, but now back again) is group selection: When groups are in competition, groups of mutually supportive altruists outlast groups of non-altruists. [The militaristic atheists kill and destroy their own people, the Christians less so.] This is most dramatically evident with the social insects, who function like cells in a body. Bees and ants will labor sacrificially for their colony’s survival. To a much lesser extent, humans exhibit in-group loyalty by sacrificing to support “us,” sometimes against “them.”

Natural selection is therefore “multilevel,” say some researchers. It operates at both individual and group levels.

Donald Campbell offered another basis for unreciprocated altruism:

Human societies evolved ethical and religious rules that serve as brakes on the biological bias toward self-interest. Commandments such as “love your neighbor as yourself” admonish us to balance self-concern with concern for the group, and so contribute to the survival of the group.

Richard Dawkins (1976) offered a similar conclusion: “Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish. Let us understand what our selfish genes are up to, because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs, something no other species has ever aspired to”.

Comparing and Evaluating Theories of Helping

By now you perhaps have noticed similarities among the social-exchange, social norm, and evolutionary views of altruism. Each proposes two types of prosocial behavior: a tit-for-tat reciprocal exchange and a more unconditional helpfulness. They do so at three complementary levels of explanation. If the evolutionary view is correct, then our genetic predispositions should manifest themselves in psychological and sociological phenomena.

Each theory appeals to logic. Yet each is vulnerable to charges of being speculative and after the fact. When we start with a known effect (the give-and-take of everyday life) and explain it by conjecturing a social-exchange process, a “reciprocity norm,” or an evolutionary origin, we might merely be explaining-by-naming.

The argument that a behavior occurs because of its survival function is hard to disprove. With hindsight it’s easy to think it had to be that way. If we can explain any conceivable behavior after the fact as the result of a social exchange, a norm, or natural selection, then we cannot disprove the theories. Each theory’s task is therefore to generate predictions that enable us to test it.

An effective theory also provides a coherent scheme for summarizing a variety of observations. With this criterion, our three altruism theories get higher marks. Each offers us a broad perspective that illuminates both enduring commitments and spontaneous help.

Genuine Altruism

After 25 such experiments testing egoism versus altruistic empathy, Batson and others believe that sometimes people do focus on others’ welfare, not on their own. Batson, a former philosophy and theology student, had begun his research feeling “excited to think that if we could ascertain whether people’s concerned reactions were genuine, and not simply a subtle form of selfishness, then we could shed new light on a basic issue regarding human nature”. Two decades later he believes he has his answer. Genuine “empathy-induced altruism is part of human nature”.

(Social Psychology, pp. 453, 454, 457.)

Altruism and empathy are a part of human nature, meaning that they are a part of the Human Psyche. They don’t have anything to do with our genes. Our genes could care less whether they live or die. Our genes could care less whether we live or die. Altruism and empathy are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Where it once didn’t exist, suddenly it now exists thanks to the Human Psyche who chose it into existence. That’s Syntropy in action!

Notice how the Naturalists and Darwinists go back and forth, back and forth. It’s because the theory of evolution is internally inconsistent. It lacks explanatory power. Consequently, they have to make up stories out of thin air; and, they have to keep adjusting those stories after-the-fact in order to make them fit with additional ideas and information that come along over the years.

The commandments and physical laws have nothing to do with natural selection and evolution! They have nothing to do with our genes. It’s the people, the psyches, who are making these different commandments and choices. Notice that even Richard Dawkins suggests that “we may” find ways to override our genes and our genetic inheritance. Who is this “we” that he keeps talking about? It’s not our genes! Our genes can’t make choices. “We” are Human Psyches who are choosing to override our biology and DNA, thereby choosing to teach generosity and altruism to our children.

The social psychologists suggest modeling altruism and empathy to our children. They want us socializing altruism. Why? Modeling altruism and empathy will do absolutely nothing to change our genes! Our genes don’t change, so what does? It’s the Human Psyche who changes its mind, not our genes. This is so logically obvious that everyone seems to overlook it. How are they able to overlook it? It’s because they don’t want to see it nor understand it. I KNOW because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. I didn’t want God and the Human Psyche to exist at the time; so, for me personally they did not exist. They weren’t a part of my psyche or worldview.

Do you see how that works?

It works because our beliefs are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.

“Human societies evolved ethical and religious rules that serve as brakes on the biological bias toward self-interest. Commandments such as ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ admonish us to balance self-concern with concern for the group, and so contribute to the survival of the group.”

According to these people, our genes or evolution gave us these commandments and put brakes on themselves in order to contribute to the survival of the group or the survival of our genes.

Do you buy it?

I don’t. When was the last time that your genes commanded you to do something, and you chose either to rebel or to obey? What? It’s never happened. Well of course it hasn’t happened! Our genes don’t give us commandments. Our genes could care less what we choose to do. It is God and our society – those other psyches – who give us commandments, which our Human Psyche then chooses to accept or reject.

When it comes to the Darwinists and Naturalists, it’s obvious that these people are making up stories after-the-fact. The whole theory of evolution is nothing but a fictional story. They observe what their own personal psyche is choosing to do and choosing to believe, and then they assign those choices to their genes. It’s a category error logic fallacy that they are employing here, in order to make their case and prove their point.

The theory of evolution is tailor-made after-the-fact to fit the observational evidence. It doesn’t make any predictions. It simply observes what has already happened, and then ascribes it all to our genes. The theory of evolution is explaining-by-naming, another logic fallacy. The theory of evolution is correlational and conjectural. The theory of evolution is a fictional ad hoc just-so story. The theory of evolution is based upon hindsight bias and confirmation bias. There will NEVER be any way to test it or verify it because evolution or entropy cannot design and create. They’ve never been observed doing so. In fact, entropy or the second law of thermodynamics prevents the theory of evolution from becoming true.

When it comes to empathy and altruism, Psyche is the BEST explanation. It really has nothing to do with our genes or our evolutionary history.

Mark My Words



Conclusions Regarding Helping and Altruism


All of this was the result of just ONE chapter within the book Social Psychology that I chose to analyze in detail. There are fifteen other chapters that I could analyze and explore looking for Signs of Psyche. I might do so in some other book at some future date. I did this so that I could demonstrate how it is done. I’m looking for scientific observations where Psyche, Syntropy, or Quantum Mechanics end up being the Best Explanation for the scientific evidence.

In the margins of my book, I made a note whenever I encountered Signs of Psyche or Signs of Syntropy; and, my book is peppered with notes. Signs of Psyche are impossible to ignore. They reveal themselves to us whenever we encounter some phenomenon, feeling, choice, or event that our genes could never have done and that genetics cannot explain. Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics explain the physically impossible.

Do you understand the full ramifications of these scientific observations and the scientific research into altruism? Most people don’t, because they have chosen not to understand. They don’t want to understand it, so they can’t understand it.

Observe what becomes possible by choosing to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, and then choosing to pursue a preponderance of that evidence!

Helping, Altruism, and Choice have nothing to do with our genes. Sometimes people (psyches) choose to stop and help; and, sometimes they don’t. It’s impossible to predict which course of action they will choose. It has been observed that if a person has a specific appointment and knows that somebody is waiting for him, he will be less likely to stop and help. If a person has nothing better to do, that reality increases the likelihood that he or she will stop and help a stranger in need. Only the Psyche, the person, knows whether he is late for an appointment or not. Our genes are completely clueless. Decisions to help are made on a case-by-case basis by the Human Psyche or the human individual. It has nothing to do with our genes.

Our genes don’t change; but, our decisions to stop and help sometimes do. Our genes don’t have minds of their own; therefore, they are incapable of making our decisions for us. Likewise, our genes don’t change their minds; but, Human Psyches do.

The Behaviorists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Determinists, and Atheists seem to be united in their belief that genes and physical matter cannot do choice. The Behaviorists and Determinists teach that there is no such thing as free will or choice because our physical matter or our genes cannot make choices. They are right. The genes and physical matter cannot make choices. Since these people have chosen to believe that ONLY physical matter exists, then it logically follows that we don’t have free will because our physical matter or our genes are incapable of making choices.

So, where are all of these different choices coming from since they obviously cannot be produced by physical matter or our genes? There’s only one other logical explanation. It has to be something non-physical like Psyche or Syntropy. Through a process of elimination, we inevitably arrive at the truth.

Isn’t that fascinating?

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Atheists are right whenever they make the claim that physical matter or genes cannot make choices. But, these people don’t understand the full implications of this knowledge and what it truly means to science. The very existence of CHOICE falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, and Determinism.

Choice has been observed, lived, and experienced. The observed and proven existence of choice falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and even Atheism. Since genes and physical matter obviously can’t make choices nor do free will, something non-physical must be doing and making all of these choices for us – something like Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness. Remember, the observed and proven existence of choice falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives. That’s what the science is trying to tell us.

Whenever we are dealing with scientific explanations, then observe that Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics take over whenever and wherever our genes begin to fail as a logical explanation for the scientific evidence. By choosing to bring Psyche, Syntropy, and Supernatural Mechanisms into science, we can literally explain everything that comes our way. Nothing remains unexplained.

Materialism, Darwinism, and Naturalism break science leaving most of the universe unexplained. Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics answer every question that comes our way on both sides of the veil.

Mark My Words





BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models


NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA: An Introduction to Reality