Entropy of Any Kind Cannot Design and Create


Entropy of Any Kind Cannot Design and Create


Entropy is death.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Atheists, and Classical Physicists erroneously teach that ONLY physical matter or entropy exists – which means that these people erroneously teach that physical matter or entropy is being conserved.  These people erroneously teach that physical matter or death is conserved.  These people literally preach and teach that death is conserved.  That’s what they teach, do they not?

They are wrong.

What’s really being conserved?

The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems.  The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.


According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, it’s the Energy or the Syntropy that’s actually being conserved and NOT the physical matter or the entropy.  Physical matter and entropy are different FORMS of Energy.  The FORM is never conserved.  It’s the Energy or the Syntropy that’s actually being conserved.  The FORM changes.  Physical matter and entropy are never conserved – their amount or their quantity is constantly changing.  We humans create new physical matter in our particle accelerators; and, we destroy physical matter in our atomic bombs.  The amount of physical matter and entropy are constantly changing, which means that physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved.  Death is not conserved.  It’s the Energy, Life Force, Psyche, Intelligence, or Syntropy that’s actually being conserved according to the First Law of Thermodynamics – not the physical matter, death, and entropy.  Psyche is Energy.  Psyche is the intelligence within energy.  Psyche or Energy is conserved.

The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics goes out of its way to differentiate between what is being conserved and what is not conserved.  Psyche is the intelligence within energy.  Syntropy is the First Law of Thermodynamics – the conservation of energy or the conservation of psyche.  Psyche or Energy is conserved; whereas, physical matter and entropy are not conserved.  Physical matter and entropy are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is never conserved.

The FORM of the Energy is constantly changing.  The FORM of the Energy is never conserved.  It’s the Energy, Psyche, or Syntropy that’s being conserved.  Physical matter, spirit matter, dark matter, gravity, dark energy, forces, fields, the strong and weak nuclear forces, electricity, magnetism, the zero-point field, visible and invisible light, locality, space, time, and entropy are different FORMS of Energy.  The FORM is never conserved.  The FORM is constantly changing.  Its amount is constantly changing.  It’s the underlying Energy, Syntropy, Psyche, Intelligence, or Life Force that’s being conserved and remaining constant and eternal – not the FORM of that energy.  Energy or Syntropy can take on many different FORMS; but, the Energy or the Syntropy is always conserved.

Space-time – locality and entropy – are just another FORM of Energy; and, the FORM is never conserved.  Physical matter is just another FORM of Energy; and, the FORM is never conserved.  Physical matter, space-time, locality, and entropy are MADE, which means that they are NEVER conserved.  They are just different FORMS of energy.  It’s the underlying Energy or the Syntropy that’s being conserved, and NOT the physical matter or the entropy.  Realizing that it’s the Energy or the Syntropy that’s being conserved, and not the physical matter or the entropy, ends up being the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  It explains everything.  Does it not?

Entropy is death.  Entropy or death cannot design, create, and originate anything.  It’s physically impossible.  There’s no such thing as the spontaneous generation of Order and Syntropy from entropy and physical matter.  That’s physically impossible.  Entropy is a dead-end.  Entropy is randomness, disorder, heat death, extinction, evolution, death, and chaos.  Death cannot design and create.  Entropy or death can only destroy.  Entropy or death is not conserved.  Physical matter is not conserved.  Their quantity changes over time.

Evolution is entropy.  The Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, Nihilism, and Classical Physics are based exclusively upon entropy and restricted to entropy.  Evolution or entropy couldn’t have made us.  It’s physically impossible.  The different types of evolution or spontaneous generation are prevented from happening by entropy.  The theory of evolution is Creation by Entropy or Creation by Death.  That’s physically impossible.  It’s never going to happen.  Entropy and death prevent the different types of evolution from happening.  Natural selection is death – survival of the fittest.  Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes.  Random mutations are entropy.

The chemical evolution or the spontaneous generation of functional genes and proteins from atoms, RNA, DNA, or amino acids is prevented from happening by entropy or random diffusion.  Macro-evolution – chimp-like ancestors giving birth to chimpanzees and humans – is prevented from happening by genetics and entropy.  It’s physically impossible for genetically compatible Mr. and Mrs. Mutants to be born at the same place and at the same time for millions of years on end.  It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.  Macro-evolution is physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by genetics and entropy.

Evolution is entropy or death.  All the different types of evolution are based exclusively on entropy or death.  So, where did all the Life come from?  Where did the Order and the Organization come from?  Where did the genomes, proteins, genes, eyes, brains, and life forms come from?  Who made them?  How were they made?  Where did the planets, stars, and galaxies come from?  Who made them?  How were they made?  Where did the physical matter come from?  Who made it; and, how was it made?  Evolution isn’t the answer.  Evolution is entropy and death.  Entropy and death cannot design and create.  In fact, evolution (genetic change), natural selection, and random mutations didn’t even exist until after God made them in the first place.  Evolution, natural selection, and random mutations didn’t even exist until after God made the genomes, proteins, genes, and life forms to begin with.

There has to be some counter-force opposing entropy, or we wouldn’t exist.  Someone Psyche had to load this physical universe with Syntropy, or the subsequent entropy would not have been possible.

Syntropy is available energy.  The available energy had to come from someplace, or we wouldn’t exist.  It had to come from someplace besides this physical universe, because this physical universe is based exclusively on entropy. The Syntropy came first, and the Syntropy has always existed.  If it didn’t, then we wouldn’t exist.  This is Logic 101.

Remember, physical matter and entropy are just different FORMS of Energy.  Physical matter, entropy, and death are never conserved.  It’s the underlying Energy, Psyche, Life Force, or Syntropy that’s being conserved, and not the entropy or the physical matter.

Syntropy or Quantum Mechanics is the BEST, most-realistic, most-explanatory, and most all-inclusive way to support, validate, and understand science.  Syntropy or Psyche is the BEST way to explain the order and organization within this physical universe.  According to the Big Bang Theory, this physical universe should be nothing more than one big homogenous ball of expanding gas with every atom moving away from every other atom.

It is not!


The answer is Syntropy.  Someone Psyche has infused Syntropy, Order, Organization, Restrictions, and LAW into certain parts of this physical universe so as to bring order, organization, genomes, life, stars, planets, and galaxies into existence.  This Syntropy could only have come from the quantum realm or the psyche realm, because Syntropy does NOT exist natively or naturally here in this physical realm from what we have observed.  The physical is ruled by entropy.  The very existence – the observed and proven existence – of Quantum Mechanics, or Transdimensional Physics, or Syntropy FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Scientism, Atheism, and even Classical Physics.  The very existence of Syntropy negates or counteracts entropy.  Thanks to Syntropy, our physical universe is NOT a closed system.

Syntropy is like love – the more of it you give away, the more of it that you have when you are done.  Syntropy or Energy is the ultimate perpetual motion machine.  Syntropy, order, or love is completely different than entropy, corruption, disorder, and death.  Syntropy, Energy, Intelligence, or Psyche is perpetual, eternal, and everlasting because it’s being conserved.  God’s Psyche is being conserved.  It’s the quantity of physical matter or entropy that’s constantly changing.  Is it not?

It’s interesting to observe that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists have succeeded in eliminating Syntropy from our vocabulary.  Our spell-checkers have never seen the word “Syntropy”.  According to the Materialists and Naturalists, Syntropy or Psyche does not exist.  These people don’t believe in Syntropy or the Atonement of Christ.  These people don’t believe in Syntropy, or the Non-Physical, or Action at a Distance, or Quantum Mechanics.  It’s impossible to believe in, understand, and accept something that you have never heard of and refuse to learn about.  You will never find Syntropy if you never go looking for it.  I KNOW, because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist; and, I had never heard of Syntropy, and didn’t believe that such things exist.  Syntropy is a new discovery for me.  I’d never really thought of it or thought about it, until the past year or so; and, I’m 57 years old.

When it comes to Syntropy, I practically had to invent the term, just so that I would have a word to use to describe the phenomenon.  The whole thing started when I asked myself what the opposite of entropy is.  Everything has its opposite.  I realized that the different types of evolution are entropy and are prevented from happening by entropy.  There’s no such thing as spontaneous generation or macro-evolution thanks to entropy.  The Theory of Evolution is impossible thanks to entropy.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists are prevented from understanding and accepting Syntropy, thanks to entropy.  Entropy is so dominant in our society that practically no one has ever heard of Syntropy.  Your typical scientist won’t have a clue when it comes to Syntropy; and, they’re supposed to be the best and brightest among us.

Remember, the theory of evolution is based exclusively and deliberately on physical matter and entropy.  These people teach that only physical matter or entropy exists.  Remember, entropy is death.  The theory of evolution is Creation by Entropy or Creation by Death because these people have chosen to believe that only entropy or death exists.  By definition, in principle, death or entropy cannot design and create anything.  That means that the different types of evolution cannot design and create anything whatsoever because the theory of evolution is based exclusively on death or entropy.  The theory of evolution is self-defeating because entropy or death cannot design and create.

Syntropy is the opposite of entropy.  Entropy is death; therefore, Syntropy is Eternal Life.  Syntropy is the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Psyche, the Conservation of Personality, the Conservation of Intelligence, or the Conservation of the Life Force.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism create a whole host of unanswered and unanswerable questions; and, Physicalism or Scientific Naturalism can’t be used to answer those questions either.  All of those unanswerable and unanswered questions produce dissonance, discord, and disharmony.  It produces tension and contention.  It lacks explanatory power.

In the science of Psychology, for example, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism produce a large number of unanswerable questions and unsolvable problems such as the Binding Problem, the Free-will vs. Determinism Problem, the Mind-Brain Problem, the Problem of Entropy or Death versus an After-Life, the Problem of Mental Causation, the Problem of Other Minds, the Problem of Consciousness or Thought, the Morality and Ethics Problem, the Problem of Personality or Self, the Problem of Unconsciousness, the Problem of Resiliency, and the Nature versus Nurture Problem.  ALL of these unsolvable problems are immediately solved and immediately answered by allowing Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics into play.  There are NO unanswerable problems once we eliminate Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, and their derivatives from science; and then embrace Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, and Syntropy instead.

By allowing Psyche, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Mechanics in to play, we can literally explain everything that comes our way.  Being able to answer every question that you encounter produces consonance, harmony, and peace of mind.  The explanatory power of Quantum Mechanics, Psyche, Action at a Distance, and Syntropy is through the roof to infinity and beyond.

In contrast, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists teach that Psyche, Syntropy, Supernatural Mechanisms, Superpowers, Miracles, Intangible Forces and Fields, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Transmutation, God’s Psyche, God, and Action at a Distance DO NOT EXIST.  How does claiming that these things do not exist explain what they are and how they work?  It doesn’t, now does it?  It just creates a whole host of unanswerable questions.  That’s bad science.  It completely lacks explanatory power.  Scientists are supposed to explain what things are and how things work; and, the Materialists and Naturalists prevent themselves from doing so by claiming that the interesting half of science does not exist.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists cripple and destroy everything they get their hands on, including Science.  It’s what they do.  They deny the existence of scientific evidence.  They deny the existence of observations and experiences.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from discovering Psyche, Syntropy, the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, Action at a Distance, Supernatural Mechanisms, Transdimensional Physics, Non-Locality, Non-Physical Intangible Forces and Fields, Spirit Matter or Dark Matter, After-Death Life Reviews, Life after Death, the Vacuum Energy or Dark Energy, Quantum Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness, Intelligence, Choice, Eternal Life, and God.  These falsified philosophies were designed to produce a wide variety of unanswered and unanswerable questions.  They were designed to produce dissonance, disharmony, discord, contention, and confusion; and, that’s precisely what they do.

If you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then only the truth will remain.  You start by eliminating Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism because they have been falsified or proven false by the observations and the experiences of the human race as a whole.  Science is observation and experience.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

Whenever it comes time to integrate a wide variety of different concepts and subjects into one realistic whole, the Human Psyche ends up being the BEST Integrator.  Science is supposed to be the pursuit of the Best Explanation.  Claiming that something “does not exist” is the worst possible explanation that you can possibly give when it comes to a scientific object, a scientific concept, or a scientific subject.  Explaining what it is and how it works is the BEST possible explanation that you can possibly give to a scientific object, scientific concept, or a scientific subject.  By allowing Psyche and Quantum Mechanics in to play, you can literally explain everything that comes your way.  Try it!  You will like it!

Mark My Words